Personal Branding Content Creation

“I use myself to build the brand”
— Richard Branson

Do you know why Virgin Group and Richard Branson are so successful? The answer is simple: he used personal branding as a tool to build his company.

Spending MORE on personal branding during a recession will bring a bigger return on your dollar!

People don’t want to buy from companies. People want to buy from other people, so that they can strengthen an emotional connection and feel good about the purchase. They want to buy from people with whom they have a real emotional bond. And that means they want to buy from people they know – whose stories they know. 

Case for personal branding: 75% of buying decisions are based on emotion.

Personal branding is how you project yourself to the world, how you create and maintain your image.

It's a timeless concept. The two reasons why branding has always existed on a person level is that we always have to sell ourselves in various situations, from trying to impress our managers so that we can take on bigger projects, to convincing our friend to see a movie.

For anyone interested in having a successful career, whether you're a job seeker, consultant, student, employee or entrepreneur, your personal brand is everything. It's your reputation, the size and strength of your network, and what unique value you can contribute to a company or your clients.

We offer you very affordable and high quality content creation for personal branding.

Starter Package ($750/month)
  • Image/Video Posts

  • Facebook & Instagram

  • 15 Posts Per Month

  • Page Monitoring & Responding 

  • Sponsored Posts & Follower Ads

  • Rights belong to the client.

  • Flat rate price. No hidden fees.

Why should you care about personal branding?
1. If you don't brand yourself first, someone else will brand you.
2. Venture capitalists, angel investors, and partners want to work with strong personal brands that have successful track records.
3. Your personal brand is transferable, so if your business fails, you don't have to start from scratch again.
4. People are searching for you or people like you online, and if you don't have a solid brand presence, you won't be taken seriously.
5. A lot of entrepreneurs, especially internet entrepreneurs, have to build large networks before they generate media and investor attention.